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Discover and Generate AI Art

2023-03-13 05:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Can I create images for free?

Yes! When you sign up, you'll receive 1000 free credits to create images. Plus, you can earn daily free credits by joining our Discord community.

Can I make my own AI models or image generator for free?

Unfortunately, model training requires a lot of resources, so we do charge for it. However, we do offer bulk discounts to make it more affordable for you.

My images aren't turning out well. What can I do?

Sometimes a better prompt is needed for high-quality images. Check out our discover page or our prompt book to learn more.

Can I create NSFW content?

Yes. You can create a limited number of NSFW images with trial credits. You will need to subscribe to our hobbyist package in order to generate more. The reason is that we want to maintain a safe and friendly community overall. However, we do have a zero-tolerance policy for illegal images and will take appropriate action.






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